
En introduktionsvideo til familielivet i en dansk kommune

En video brugt i de danske asylcentre; lavet af Røde kors

Livet i Danmark

Dansk Flygtninge Hjælp har lavet en række videoer med tematikker; Uddannelse, Arbejde, Sundhedsvæsenet, Fritid, Familieliv og Opholdsgrundlag.


Dansk Flygtningehjælps tilbud til mennesker med flugterfaring og familiesammenførte, om forskellig rådgivning til praktiske udfordringer.

Råd til familier med flugterfaring samt overblik over børn og unges rettigheder i Danmark (henvendt til ukrainske familier med flugterfaring)

Børns vilkår tilbyder denne information på ukrainsk og dansk.

Facts about Denmark

Danish society is a classic welfare state with a generally high standard of living. Learn more here.

Det danske system

A guide to trade unions in Denmark for highly skilled workers

If you are a highly skilled worker who is new to the Danish job market, this booklet is for you. In this booklet, you can read about what it means to be a member of a trade union in Denmark and how a trade union can help you in your current situation.

Visual guide of life in Denmark

The official website for international citizens in Denmark (borgerservice) offering information from the public sector and self-service if you are moving to – arriving and living in – or leaving Denmark.

Denmark.dk: The official website of Denmark

Made by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Denmark. This website tells you the story about Denmark, Danish norms and society, facts about Denmark etc. The website is in English.

The Danish tax system

A general introduction to the Danish tax system.

The Danish education system

Learn more about the Danish education system from the official site for newcomers to Denmark.

Digital services used in Denmark / Цифрові послуги у Данії

In Denmark, your contact with public authorities starts on the internet / У Данії ваш контакт з органами державної влади починається в Інтернеті.

Renting a home in Denmark

Finding housing can be an effort. Most foreign nationals working in Denmark choose to rent a home. Read more about renting a home in Denmark.

Elections in Denmark

Your right to vote in elections in Denmark depends on the type of election and your citizenship.

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